Jul 14, 2022Liked by Lilian Caylee

So good. this, unsurprisingly, sent me dipping into the soft sepia tones of my own childhood, and I agree with you on most fronts, but maybe not the main point, because whenever i let myself indulge in a nostalgic reexamination of my happiest moments, I usually find myself surrounded by a close group of friends. it strikes me that whenever you're part of a crew, there are always peripheral characters - the kid that you're not that close with, but you still see every day. and somehow those hangers-on are necessary. they fill out the room and add depth to the whole experience of friendship. i think, in their own way, they take the pressure off your 'deep' friendships, so that those friendships can evolve into something more complete and complex without the pressure of being perfect from the start.

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this is a really good point, old boy.

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i usually miss them but sometimes these pop up in my inbox; i don't remember when i subscribed but i always think you have insightful things to say. probably found on twitter. :)

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aww thank you! i'm glad you're here.

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